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Troop 25 runs the Boy Scout program.  Boys are organized into patrols of no more than eight Scouts, where one Scout is elected Patrol Leader.  The Patrol Leader represents his patrol to the troop.  The troop is run by a Senior Patrol Leader, SPL, who is elected by the Scouts.  The SPL works closely with the Scoutmaster and Patrol Leaders to run the troop meetings and events.  The SPL presides over all troop meetings and events.  Weekly meeting details are planned at the monthly Patrol Leaders' Council based upon monthly themes set at the troop Annual Planning Conference.  Monthly troop trips and activities are planned by the Patrol Leaders' Council at the Annual Planning Conference.  All activities are youth planned and run.


More experienced Scouts in the troop, support the troop as a member of the Leadership Corps.  These scouts may have specific responsibilities and assignments supporting the SPL and troop.


The Scoutmaster's Staff, Assistant Scoutmasters, have assignments as Patrol Leader counslers who provide guidance to patrols.  They may have specific responsibilites.


The Troop Committee are parents and other adults who support the Scouting Program in order to ensure the boy run program succeeds.  Committee activities include fundraising, making trip arrangements, advancement, record keeping, facilities maintenance, etc.


Troop activities include monthly swim night, Summer Camp, Annual Planning Conference, High Adventure Activity, Leadership Development, Canoeing/Rafting, Popcorn Sales, Christmas Wreath Fundraiser, Vermont Ski Trip, Scout Mass, and Appalachian Trail Hike.


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